Become a supporter of The Friends of Finsbury Park
We welcome new supporters, from all backgrounds, who care about the park and want to play an active role in its future. No charge, no obligation!
Supporter overview
To become a Supporter is completely free
The Friends host a number of meetings through the year, to update on activities, and, hear from its supporters
Committee overview
Elected trustees function as formal members of the Friends of Finsbury Park.
The management committee is elected annually. Committee members are nominated in advance of the annual general meeting, where an election takes place. Voting is undertaken by supporters who attend the AGM.
The current committee is made up of:
Co-Chairs: Bethany Anderson, Tom Graham
Treasurer: Lorraine Bewes
Company Secretary: Lawrence Singha
General Committee: Clive Carter, Katie Dawson, Gina Haskell, Louise Wass
Patron: Jeremy Corbyn, MP
Would you like to join the committee? Get in touch!
Friends of Finsbury Park meetings
The Friends hold an Annual General Meeting. Historic reports can be found here
The Friends, as a neutral political organisation, have held hustings alongside local democratic events (Westminster, Local) to understand candidate’s positions on issues that affect the park